Jordan Chiropractic in Wichita KS offers decompression therapy. Decompression therapy in
chiropractic care is a non-surgical treatment designed to relieve pressure in the spine and
alleviate conditions such as herniated discs, sciatica, and chronic back pain. This therapy
involves the use of a specialized motorized table or device that gently stretches the spine,
creating negative pressure within the affected spinal discs. This negative pressure can help
retract bulging or herniated disc material, promoting the flow of oxygen, water, and
nutrient-rich fluids back into the discs, facilitating healing. Chiropractors often incorporate
decompression therapy into a broader treatment plan that may include manual
adjustments, physical therapy exercises, and lifestyles recommendations to support long-
term spinal heaith and mobility. Many patients report reduced pain and improved
functionality following a series of decompression sessions, making it an appealing
alternative for those seeking non-invasive treatment options for spinal issues.
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Dr. Drew Jordan
Dr. Drew Jordan is a second-generation Chiropractor. Dr Drew has had the privilege to serve some of the largest pediatric and family practices in Kansas, Missouri, and Colorado. Dr Drew is webster certified, having extensive post graduate training in pediatrics and pregnancy. Dr Drew is also certified in acupuncture and combines Chiropractic and Acupuncture as an effective tool for natural healing. As a Veterans Administration in-network provider he enjoys the challenge of working with complex Chronic Pain patients but has a passion for working with kiddos and families with the purpose of creating a healthier community here in Wichita. -Certified by Kansas State Board of Healing Arts -Certified by National Board of Chiropractic Examiners -Certified in Webster Technique for Pregnant Mothers (ICPA) -International Chiropractic Pediatric Association -Certified in Sacro Occipital Technique (SOT) -Fellow Certification with the Acupuncture Society of America.