
The team at Jordan Chiropractic offers Cupping in Wichita, KS. in conjunction with Acupuncture, Chiropractic or as a treatment by itself.
What is cupping therapy?
Cupping therapy is a treatment in which your provider attaches special cups to your skin to create suction. The negative pressure pulls your skin, tissue and fascia into the cup as your blood vessels expand. Typically, the cups stay in place on your skin for several minutes.
Cupping often helps to relieve pain, promote mobility and range of motion, reduce inflammation, increase circulation, release scar tissue and fascial adhesions, reduce painful trigger points, excite small nerves, release pain-killing chemicals, as well as promoting relaxation and well-being much like a deep tissue massage.
To learn more about Cupping in Wichita, KS and get started, schedule an appointment using the online booking system or call the office.